AF Nexus Pro Front End
Transform your Nexus Pro into a whole different blaster with our Front End! Featuring three Picatinny rails and five different color combinations, this Front End gives the blaster a more aesthetic appeal with 3DPs embellishments and cosmetic dials.
AF Spectrum Ghost Front End
Grab a Ghost Front End for your AF Spectrum before the government tries to steal it away! The Ghost Front Ends are stealthily (not really), easily hidden (not really), they look like chickens (no way – come on man), but totally tactical (THAT they are!) Each design features 4 Picatinny rails on top, bottom, left and right sides to attach all the lasers and ammo holders needed.
NOTE: 3D Printed Solid has no political affiliations; strictly for entertainment and sales purposes only.
CQC ML Attack Rifle – Demolisher kit
Don’t let distance be your Demolisher’s downfall with the CQC ML Attack Rifle blaster kit! Featuring several attachments to aid long-distance targeting such as a 9 inch wrapped suppressor with orange safety nozzle, the eyecup scope with reticle, LED 3-setting tactical flashlight, and a red adjustable lithium battery laser.
*Please order up to two weeks in advance as this unique product requires extra manufacturing time.
Khaos Block Head Front End
Khaos Block Head Front End is easily installed by pushing the front end on the Khaos …
MRS-15A Modular Sniper Rifle – Rapidstrike Kit
MRS-15A Modular Sniper Rifle – Rapidstrike Kit
Bring your Rapidstrike to the Sniper Elite level with our MRS-15A Modular Sniper Rifle blaster kit! At almost 47 inches long, this blaster is NOT to be taken lightly. It comes prepared with signature sniper attachments; a wrapped suppressor with orange safety nozzle to hit those long distance shots, a 6” – 9” extendable bipod for that extra steady aim and an adjustable red laser and green PEQ to upgrade your far sight.
*Please order up to two weeks in advance as this unique product requires extra manufacturing time.
Murder Hole Attachment for Nerf® Nemesis
Product Details: The Nerf® Nemesis is a worthy weapon for young adults and well as adults. …
Nemesis Block Head Barrel Extension
The Block Head front end is a very popular design and bodes well on the Nemesis, giving is a futuristic Sci-Fi appearance. The 3 picatinny rails give added functionality to mount accessories like flashlights, lasers, and grips.
Perses Block Head Barrel Extension
Expand your barrel and your style with the Perses Block Head Barrel Extension! Featuring three Picatinny rails wearing sleek black rubber removable covers and a large orange safety tip.
Prometheus Block Head Barrel Extension
The Block Head front end is a very popular design and bodes well on the Prometheus, giving is a futuristic Sci-Fi appearance. The 3 picatinny rails give added functionality to mount accessories like flashlights, lasers, and grips.